Fighting like cats and dogs: a common expression used to describe people who just don’t get along. And indeed, it often seems like cats and dogs just can’t get along. Dogs chasing cats up trees, cats lashing out at curious dogs’ noses, and hissing: everything from “Tom and Jerry” to the children’s film “Cats and Dogs” suggests that for these two species, it’s hate

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Keeping your cat healthy Medical attention As a responsible cat owner, you will need to provide proper medical care for your cat. You should find a veterinarian and set up a vaccination and check-up schedule, as it is essential to cat health. It is important to follow the vaccination schedule: this will stop your cat from catching several serious diseases. Veterinary care can be

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Last updated on October 13th, 2022 at 02:38 pmNailing the basics Cats love to groom themselves, and spend a good portion of their time doing so. Cats with shorter hair are often able to keep their coats in good order, but cats with longer fur, unique coat types, or flat faces (and older cats that are a little arthritic) will need help from a

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