adopting an older dog

Kindness that pays back

Want to get a dog but don’t know which is the right route for you? You might want to consider adopting an older dog, for far more reasons other than saving the money you would have to spend on a puppy. In this article, we have summarised some of he biggest pros of choosing a senior dog.

An older dog needs your help

Every dog deserves to experience what a loving home feels like. In an ideal world, our four legged friends receive as much love as they give, though that is not always the case. A dog left behind by their family, or one who’s never had a family at all, may have never experienced the joy of getting a treat after a trick or having dedicated bonding time.

Shelters are doing their best to accommodate all pets under their care. Despite their efforts, older dogs might be neglected and have lower chances of being adopted. By adopting an older dog, you will bring unbridled joy to your new companionThe older they are, the calmer they are

The older they are, the calmer they are

Nipping, biting, destroying your favourite throw pillows… Sweet as they may be, puppies are little terrors that will hugely alter your routine until you get them to settle. Depending on their size, that could easily take up to 4 years.

An older dog however, will have settled into their routines and calmed down from their rumbustious teenage years. They will be just as happy to play and just as giddy when joyous, but a loss less boisterous.

Manners get better with age

Every trainer will tell you to be firm with telling puppies no, or they will walk all over you. The older they get, the more the number of no-s they hear increases, so it would be safe to say older dogs have a better idea of what behaviours they should stray away from.

Older dogs follow house rules

Whether they were taught by previous owners or by workers at the shelter, older dogs generally have a better grasp on house rules. Things like waiting for their owner to through the door first, or simply not destroying the furniture, could already be ingrained in them, giving you a much easier time.

That being said, every house is different and all dogs need some time to get used to new environments. Don’t be surprised if your new companion is nervous and scared when you first bring them home, with some gentle love and care they will settle right in.

Training might be easier

Teaching a dog the first few commands is always difficult, usually they have a hard time grasping the fact that they will get a reward for listening. Older dogs not only have a few tricks already up their sleeve, but they might be more perceptive to your methods.

You should not expect it all to be smooth sailing, in some cases breaking past habits can be more tiresome than training a puppy, but if it is the cons of adopting an older dog that your are looking for, keep an eye out for our article on it.

What you see is what you get

One of the strongest arguments in favour of purebred dogs is predictability. By working with a reputable, ethical breeder, you will have a pretty solid idea of not only what your puppy will look like as they age, but also the behavioural traits that are typical of the breed.

Older dogs won’t be looking much more different than when you meet them. They would have also shown all noteworthy behavioural traits. Interact with a few dogs at the shelter to get a better impression of which one is better suited to both you and your lifestyle.

You get the Dog you have always wanted

What is your ideal dog? What about the idea of becoming a pet parent is so appealing to you? If you dream of leisurely walks with your four legged friend, cuddling up together on the couch and laughing at their silly antics, an older dog might be ideal for you.

Puppies can be far more challenging than new owners anticipate, and whilst any dog needs attention and should not be neglected, older dogs can be more independent and less demanding. They’re the gentle companion that brings meaning to “a man’s best friend” and you will be surprised to find that puppy eyes remain even when they’re 7, 9 or 12 years old.

Bonds between friends

You go to the shelter, meet a few dogs, like some more than others, then find the one you just connect with better.

Bring them home, familiarise them with the environment, introduce them to your loved ones and show them cool new places.

There are morning walks and afternoon naps, games of fetch and tug, and promises of pup cups after vet visits.

Through it all you have a dog who is grateful for the new life you have given them, understands you better than a puppy who has a lot of growing to do, comforts you when you need it and loves you more than anything.

Adopting an older dog might not be for everyone, but if it sounds right for you, it could be one of the most rewarding decisions you will ever make.

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